Lone star ticks have similar life cycles and habitats as most other major tick species. The allergy is thought to be caused by the immune system's response to molecules found in the saliva of Lone Star ticks that have previously fed on a mammal.

Lone star ticks are also known to transmit STARI, or Southern tick associated rash illness, which is caused by Borrelia lonstari, a genetic relative to Borrelia burgdorferi.Īdditionally, Scientists have recently confirmed multiple cases in which bites from a Lone Star tick appear to have caused Alpha-Gal syndrome, an allergic reaction to meat. Research has shown that while lone star ticks can carry the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, it is unlikely to transmit this disease to a host. Two of the most common diseases transmitted by lone star ticks are Erhlichiosis and Tularemia, both of which are tested for by the TickCheck lab. Adults are reddish-brown in color, very round, and have prominent festoons. Visually, lone star ticks are easy to recognize because of a conspicuous white dot on the dorsal shield of the females, which gives this tick its name. Lone star ticks can be found as far north as Maine, but are still more common in southern areas. They currently inhabit the entire eastern United States from Texas to Iowa and over to the coast. Until recently, the lone star tick was much more common in the southern United States, but they have progressively been spreading northward. The lone star tick is a commonly tick found in forested areas ranging from the midwest to the east coast of the United States.